Who Does This Work

Who Does Sustainability at DU?

Sustainability work does not occur in a vacuum, nor does it fall into the lap of any single person, department or division at DU. In order for us to succeed in creating a just and sustainable campus, we need the help and expertise of everyone. Below are key campus partners in sustainability, continually making progress toward our 2025 goals and beyond.

Sustainability Council

Sustainability Council Logo

可持续发展委员会是一个由教师组成的共同治理机构, staff, students and administrators who knew that DU had to take action on sustainability. Over the years, this group has served as an open organization where all are welcome, where all voices are equally heard, and where the larger sustainability strategy at DU is discussed and debated. Join us at quarterly meetings and help shape the future of sustainability at DU. 

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Urban Sustainability Cohort

DU Grand Challenges logo

DU Grand Challenges brings faculty, 教职员和学生与DUGC集体影响小组的不同地区社区领袖一起开展倡议,引发系统的积极变化. Four DUGC Cohorts now focus on achieving different results.  For the DUGC Urban Sustainability Cohort, this desired result is: “The Denver region supports just, inclusive, and thriving communities where people and nature flourish.

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Center for Sustainability

Center for Sustainability logo

可持续发展中心是MG线上电子游戏可持续发展活动和项目的中心, as well as the home of the Sustainability Internship Program. 可持续发展中心管理着20多个独特的可持续发展项目,致力于为杜顿大学和丹佛社区创造一个更加公正和可持续的未来, 寻求建立学生的课外和课堂经验之间的联系, and helps to foster a collaborative community rooted in passion, creativity and tangible outcomes.

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USG SusCom logo

USG可持续发展委员会(SusCom)管理从所有本科生收取的绿色费用,作为学生活动费的一部分. Overseen by co-chairs made up of one elected USG Senator and one non-USG student, 中南大学向所有想要对每年的绿色费用如何使用发表意见的学生开放. MG线上电子游戏的任何学生或学生团体都可以申请资助南共体,以实施项目, programs, and events that advance DU’s sustainability goals.

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Campus Partners

  • Housing and Residential Education (HRE)

    As students’ first home and community at DU, 住房和住宿教育(HRE)在教育和吸引学生参与有意识和可持续的生活方面发挥着核心作用. HRE与可持续发展中心密切合作,以确保迁入和迁出都产生更少的废物, 并与保管处一起在所有宿舍房间提供回收箱,并在每个宿舍大厅提供堆肥和回收. HRE and Facilities ensure the buildings are as efficient as possible. 

    Additionally, HRE赞助了许多项目,以提高人们对可持续个人生活方式选择的认识和教育. Educational bulletin boards and hall meetings discuss waste, energy, water and transportation best practices. Community-wide programs hosted by RAs engage residents in how to live sustainably.

    Learn more about HRE’s sustainability initiatives here.

  • Denver Dining by Sodexo

    As DU’s contracted food service provider, Sodexo works to ensure the food we eat on campus is nutritious and delicious, 他们还制定了积极的目标,以实现本地和可持续的采购和处置. To this end, Sodexo signed on to the Real Food Challenge in 2014, 并实现了在食堂提供20%真正食物(当地和可持续来源)的目标. Sodexo was also integral in creating the Sustainable Food Policy at DU, which continues to drive sustainable practices across all good service.

    Beyond this, 索迪斯已经实施了几个项目来减少食堂和厨房的浪费, 并通过慷慨支持杜里大学食品储藏室和联合国粮食计划署,成为缓解杜里大学粮食不安全状况的重要合作伙伴 Swipe Out Hunger program.

    Read more about Sodexo’s sustainability initiatives here.

  • Parking and Mobility Services

    停车和移动服务的使命是帮助杜社区进出校园. 他们提供了无数的选择,使你的单座车辆(SOV)的负担得起和方便. 他们为自行车登记,以防止被盗,并经营校园班车,改善与轻轨的联系,让人们快速穿越校园和社区设施. 停车和移动服务致力于使替代交通标准杜. 

    Read about all of Parking and Mobility Service’s sustainability programs here.

  • Aramark Custodial Services

    管理服务在杜克大学2035年成为零废物校园的目标中发挥着核心作用. Without our custodians, our waste would not end up being recycled or composted. 保管处在绿色清洁实践方面处于领先地位,减少了化学品和过敏原. 

    Beyond this, Aramark is a key monetary supporter of the DU Food Pantry, 该计划确保杜社区的每个人在不确定下一顿饭从哪里来的时候都有食物吃. 

    Learn more about Custodial Service’s work here.

  • Pioneer@Work

    Following Transformative Direction Four of DU Impact 2025, DU is advancing our institutional structures and becoming more agile and
    networked with Pioneer@Work, DU’s talent management platform. Pioneer@Work launched our newest module, the learning management system (LMS), in August 2020, and the system empowers employees to seek out learning opportunities, such as instructor-led classes, e-Learnings, and 16,000 LinkedIn Learning courses. 当你完成DEI培训或全纳教学学院(FIIT)时,你可能已经体验过这个强大的平台。. This platform now hosts a curricula for Sustainability at DU. Targeting Sustainability Council members, 这些核心会议和相关的迷你研讨会的播放列表向任何想要加深他们对可持续发展的了解以及如何看待DU的人开放..

    As part of employee benefit packages, 人力资源和包容性社区(HRIC)还为所有全职员工提供RTD过境ecpass. 这一好处使人们可以充分利用交通系统,使通勤更容易,没有压力.

    Learn more about the Sustainability Curriculum in Pioneer@Work here

  • Anderson Academic Commons (AAC)

    LEED银奖认证的安德森学术公地(AAC)自2014年起成立了可持续发展委员会. It is open to participation by faculty, 图书馆或学术支援单位的职员及学生雇员. The AAC regularly sponsors films, panels, staff and faculty trainings, special events, and the quarterly Zero Waste Finals event with treats and a trash diversion game. With the support of building users, 在杜克大学校园里,AAC的日常废物转移率是最高的:在最近的废物审计中,69%的废物没有进入垃圾填埋场. AAC经常与可持续发展中心和其他团体共同赞助活动, and sponsors a team tending two plots in the Bridge Community Garden. Learn more here about our programs. 

    The University Libraries maintain a substantial collection of policy, 科学和流行的环境出版物,供DU社区使用. Our library research guides on sustainability topics are available here.

  • Health and Counseling Center

    幸福是对你的价值观和行为进行反思和参与的持续过程,它能帮助你在现在和未来茁壮成长, 健康促进和健康咨询中心的使命是确保杜里大学的每个人都能身体健康. 在健康促进所确定的八个福祉层面中,有一个是环境福祉, 哪个描述了安全和可持续的环境对个人幸福至关重要. 过上更可持续的生活可以改善身心健康,HCC致力于在学生应对大学生活需求的同时建立这些联系.

    Read more about the 8 Dimensions of Well-Being here.